Why Website Copy is Important

TIC Digital Marketing
4 min readDec 28, 2020

For many website owners, whether they are small businesses, large businesses, or individuals, the copy on their sites is just a means to an end. These days, you have to have a website if you hope to be successful. So you might as well just throw some words on the page and hope for the best. Nobody even reads this stuff, right? If that’s what you think about website copy, think again. Top digital marketing professionals like the ones at TIC Digital Marketing know that your website copy will often be the first impression you give to a potential customer. The quality of your copy can influence positive user behaviors that will help you shoot up the search engine rankings. Here are a few reasons why we think your website copy is crucial to the success of your operation:

Website Copy Gets Your Point Across

At the most basic level, your copy should accomplish one goal: describe your business to the reader. You’ve got a point to make, and mediocre copywriters and machine algorithms can’t possibly make it as well as you can. Your copy doesn’t have to be a masterpiece, but it should clearly and concisely explain who you are and what you do in a paragraph or two. If you’re concerned about SEO value, you can add some more paragraphs to the end, but most readers will be eager to find out what they need to know about you without having to read a novel.

Good Copy Builds Trust

As we said, you probably won’t be winning the Pulitzer Prize for your website copy, but high-quality prose will lend a certain air of authority to your business. When readers see websites that are difficult to read and chock full of grammatical errors, they’re likely to move on to a source that seems more reliable. If you didn’t get high marks in English class, you may want to work with a professional writer or digital marketing company to refine and edit your website copy so you can present yourself as the serious professional you are.

Inform Your Reader to Gain Their Loyalty

One of the goals of good academic writing is to inform. You can emulate that style and add a dash of persuasion to convince your readers they should patronize your business. The more accurate and informative your website copy is, the better feeling your readers will have about you. By providing high-quality information that’s useful to your readers, you will gain their loyalty, and a strong call to action can lead to more conversions. Even if reading your copy doesn’t translate into an immediate sale, that same reader will be likely to seek you out as a source of good information in the future, and they may even tell others to do the same.

Website Copy is the First Place People Take a Deeper Look

While many readers will only give your copy a cursory glance, you don’t want to count on that. When a potential customer wants more in-depth information, your website copy is the first place they will look. When they do take a closer look, you want to make sure to make sure they like what they find. Instead of spamming keywords or filling your pages with meaningless fluff, you want to present quality information that will lead your reader to seek out your goods or services. Since the rise of search engines and search engine optimization, many business owners have begun to feel like their search engine rankings are the only thing that matters.

At TIC Digital Marketing, we know that consumers are getting frustrated with optimized content that doesn’t give them the information they need. When populating your website with content, you want to strike a balance between SEO value and high-quality information. When you find that balance, you’ll have better results that translate into real-world sales.

If you’re interested in revamping your website content or you’ve got a new website in desperate need of good copy, we can help! Get in touch with us by dialing (858) 280–3792, by sending an email to info@ticdigitalmarketing.com, or by filling out the online form on our contact page. We can help you get your content sorted out and provide other services like website development, inbound digital marketing, and more. Your website content always leaves room for improvement, and the experts at TIC Digital Marketing know just how to make that content work towards achieving your goals.



TIC Digital Marketing

Helping small businesses grow with inbound marketing — tips on websites, content, and email for small, growing companies.